Fixed mounted marine thermal imaging cameras are now being manufactured to cope in the most demanding sea state conditions, used on board pleasure craft to super yachts, work boats to cruise ships and many other types of vessels and rigs to primarily detect and avoid other water craft, furthermore ensuring waterways remain collision free. These rugged thermal imaging cameras produce a crisp image in total darkness, needing no light to operate. They are remotely controlled from the bridge or owners cabin, gyro-stabilized with pan and tilt functionality and can see through light fog and smoke and the ideal 21st Century instrument to help the ships Master overcome the age old problem to navigate safely in harbour areas in low light and or at night. Even objects which are undetected by radar become clearly visible with infrared imagery, moreover, aiding shipboard security for early anti-piracy alerts when sailing through known dangerous areas such as the Bay of Guinea, Straits of Malacca or the Horn of Africa; or employed to find and save persons who have fallen overboard before hypothermia sets in. Maritime thermal imaging – keeping watch 24/7.
Last modified: 22 June 2015